Jennifer Platt
How I can help you to experience and learn about Reiki.

My Reiki Journey
People often talk about their 'reiki journey' and it seems that once started it spans a lifetime. When I took my first steps, I didn't know that there were different styles of Reiki. My first experience was with Western Reiki in 2006. I completed Level 1 followed by Level 2 a couple of years later.
I set up a Reiki treatment room at home giving treatments to family, friends, and friends of friends! I volunteered with a local Hospice as a Reiki Practitioner and went on to treat clients. I enjoyed this time learning as I was giving treatments, and my know-how and confidence grew.
It wasn’t until I discovered Jikiden Reiki in 2018 that I knew wanted to teach, as well as practice, Reiki and my background gave me some of the skills to do that.
My experience as a teacher began with swimming! Growing up in Australia, I trained and swam competitively. It filled my young life, and I later gained a qualification to teach swimming to children and adults, and I also coached.
I moved to the U.K. and started my own family life. I held various jobs and worked for over twenty years in the retail arm of one of the UK’s leading charities. Over that time, I had several roles, always involving me in heading up a team. I learnt how to work with people, providing training, ongoing personal development and mentoring.
I have always followed my urge to travel and see the world and I have been fortunate to visit many countries and cultures. Following one trip to Cambodia I was struck with the idea of funding my travel by teaching English abroad, so I completed a CELTA qualification in teaching English. I never did teach abroad but found myself teaching English as a second language at home in Yorkshire.
It was time spent in Thailand that prompted me to explore Reiki further. On my return home, I searched and discovered Jikiden Reiki and found the teacher I wanted to learn with. I immediately knew this was the next step on my Reiki journey. I retrained in its discipline, taking Shoden and Okuden in 2018. Having found something special it was natural to want to share it and so I took the teaching level of Shihan Kaku in 2021 and Shihan in 2022. I have found that keeping it authentic and simple works best for me.
Connecting with the teacher is fundamental to our learning and growth in any subject. Think about your previous learning experiences. We flourish when we find the person who can help us to shine our light! Search well, and I will be pleased if you consider me able to help.
As a Reiki Practitioner and Teacher I aim to live each day according to the Gokai - The Five Principles set out by Reiki founder Mikao Usui. They are simple in appearance with a depth of meaning to be uncovered. If you are curious, follow the link here.
I hope we meet, together with Reiki, at some time in the future. If you have any questions in the meantime, or would just like a chat, please get in touch.