Reiki Hands-On Treatment
Natural and Safe
I have found that Reiki is a natural and safe energy healing system with nothing to harm you.
People come to receive Reiki for help in a wide variety of situations.
Anxiety and depression
Chronic pain
Sleep disorders – fatigue and insomnia
Symptom relief in Perimenopause and Menopause
In times of great emotional stress such as grief or emotional trauma
Before and after surgery to promote healing and recovery
Stress related illness
Overall general wellbeing
The Power of Touch
Reiki energy and the power of touch, combine to promote a deep relaxation that allows the body the time and space to revive its own natural healing ability.
Stress and anxiety reduce, and energy levels are boosted.
A strong sense of purpose and clear thinking is created, helping you to work with chronic illness, manage pain and support recovery after injuries or surgery.
The Healing Process
You will be wearing comfortable clothing and relaxing on a massage/reiki table or seated in a chair. I may start with a hands-on-treatment of the head, moving to other areas of the body as needed. The approach is relative to the issue being treated.
Usually, Reiki is felt as a gentle, calming experience and many people feel positively energised after a session and report feeling a sense of wellbeing and deep relaxation. It is your time to rest, relax and allow your body to start its healing.
Every treatment is different, and each person's experience is unique. Each treatment is tailored to your needs.
One 60 minute treatment is £35
One 90 minute treatment is £45
Block booking of three treatments - 10% discount