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Wellness & Lifestyle

Woman smiling holding a bright automn leaf - signifying wellness.

What does wellness mean in health?

People often think about wellness in terms of physical health — nutrition, exercise, weight management, but it is so much more. Wellness shapes nearly every aspect of everyday life and good habits are key. 


Practising wellness means that you can prioritise your personal well-being and practice strategies to fuel the body, engage the mind and nurture the spirit. Regular, customised Reiki treatments will support and develop your wellness routine.


Wellness is about developing a lifestyle – a personal approach to living life in a way that allows you to become the best kind of person you can be. It’s not about making big changes, but rather little shifts. The past is history, the present and future lie in the choices you make today. It is an ever-changing process, don’t worry about getting it perfect, just get it going! 


Wellness & Lifestyle Package £125

30 minute consultation and a look at your lifestyle

4 x 1 hour Reiki treatments

Small changes pack a big punch!

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